Space to Breathe
This song is about friendship, It’s about being there for each other, holding sacred safe space for each other’s deep, heavy burdens so we can get them off our backs. We all have stuff we don’t like about ourselves, things we’ve done that we aren’t proud of or are straight up ashamed of. If we don’t ever talk about it, it is likely because we don’t feel we have the kind of love around us, the kind of safe space we need to let that stuff out into the world.
Space to Breathe Lyrics
I don’t wanna fight with you
You don’t wanna fight with me
We don’t need fight the truth
We don’t need to fight your pain
You’ve been holding onto a story
That runs so deep
Get it all on the table
Before you get cold feet
Baby, I’m right here with you
Giving you all I’ve got
Holding all this space for you
So you can take your burdens off
I promise I’ll hold it sacred
Never tell a soul
The picture that’s been painted
Baby I feel a fool
don’t even know you don’t even know
don’t even know
I’ll carry it on my shoulders
So you can get it off your back
Doesn’t have to be light as a feather
There’s no weight that could make our love crack
Ima carry it on my shoulders
So you can get it off your back
All our truth together
Makes more love than the world’s ever had
Get it all on the table
Let yourself be free
Get it all on the table
Share it all with me
Get it all on the table
Let your burdens go
Get it all on the table
Let the love flow
Love flow love flow
You Don’t wanna fight with truth
I Don’t wanna fight with you
We see the space in between
We both need our love to be that free
You don’t wanna fight with me
I Don’t wanna fight your pain
We see the space that lies in between
We both need that space to breathe
That space to breathe That space to breathe
That space to breathe